[Querent] Ulric Almasy

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Ulric Almasy
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Minor Arcana Card: 7 of Cups



[Querent] Ulric Almasy

Post by Ulric Almasy »

Name: Ulric Almasy
Nicknames: None as far as you know ;p
Birthday: 11/13/2001 (Scorpio)
Pronouns/Gender: he/they

Physical Description: Best described as willowy, Ulric is tall (6’ 2”) and thin (but toned) with pale skin and bright blue eyes. His hair is long and just shy of platinum blond and softly curled. He takes devoted care of it, for something he often just leaves in a ponytail (though he isn’t above an intricate braid or two if the mood strikes him). His go-to outfit base consists of big fuck off belted boots, black skinny jeans, band tees, and a leather jacket, with occasional pops of color (most often red and/or yellow). His angelic good looks might seem hidden behind his piercings (eyebrow, septum, nostril, tongue, side labret–mostly plain, though he will change out the septum piercing for more decorative pieces) but the discerning eye will see past to the soft smile beneath. His eye makeup is usually smoky and tries to never be seen without at least eyeliner and lip gloss on.

Occupation: Works at the record store, mostly to feed their music consumption habit (and their extreme love of the Big Gulp Blue Raspberry slushie from the gas station down the street)

Personality: Most people who meet him aren’t sure whether Ulric’s quiet nature is him actively observing and absorbing before he acts, or if he just doesn’t have much going on up there in the first place. They’re generally placid but quick to smile (though some might call it a smirk). He’s happy to let others make the decisions and delegate to him. This makes the times that he does dig in his heels all the more surprising. Still, they try to be considerate of the needs of others, to be the first to volunteer help. Glimmers of a temper also flit under the supposed vacancy (bring beer anywhere near his refurbished turntable and you’re bound to see it, but it also shows up when people try to gate keep passions or threaten his friends and loved ones). Sometimes he’s quiet when he ought to speak up and others can project what they want onto his silence which can lead to misunderstandings and assumptions. These usually depend on who’s looking: he can be the tough guy hiding behind a veneer of cultivated cool, which others find infuriating; he can be the lonely sad boy, drowning in feelings too big for his body, too complex to share. The truth, as always, lies in between and they value people who can recognize that. He’s always up to try something once, as long as he’s got a buddy.

Backstory: Born in Cali, transplanted to St Raymond in the past couple of years. He doesn’t talk about his parents much.

Stats: (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)
  • Power: 1
  • Finesse: 2
  • Mind: 0
  • Arcane: -1
HP: 11
word count: 499
Avatar by grgikau picrew maker!
Empty City Dragon Bean by Grey!
Empty City look here, art by Ende!
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Ulric Almasy
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Shards: 181.60 
Posts: 183
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:04 pm
Power: 1
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Arcane: -1
Minor Arcana Card: 7 of Cups



Querent Information

Post by Ulric Almasy »


Minor Arcana Card: The Seven of Cups
Elemental Attunement:
  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 1
Mark of the Querent: The palm of Ulric's hand is colored deep indigo, almost black.
Arcana Magic: I Know His Blood: Ulric's blood has healing properties. He can purposefully wound himself and, giving the fresh blood to another through physical contact, heal their HP equal to the positive result of an Arcane roll. On a partial success, he must also choose one of the following side effects:
  • He must pay for the healing (at a rate of 1 for 2) out of his own HP.
  • He must take a -1 to his next roll, regardless of what that is.
  • He is temporarily (the next ~24 hours) charmed by the recipient of his blood.
word count: 133
Avatar by grgikau picrew maker!
Empty City Dragon Bean by Grey!
Empty City look here, art by Ende!
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Ulric Almasy
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Minor Arcana Card: 7 of Cups



RP Logs

Post by Ulric Almasy »

Arranged Roughly in Chronological Order
Last edited by Ulric Almasy on Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 394
Avatar by grgikau picrew maker!
Empty City Dragon Bean by Grey!
Empty City look here, art by Ende!
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Ulric Almasy
Character Account
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Shards: 181.60 
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Minor Arcana Card: 7 of Cups



Art Gallery

Post by Ulric Almasy »

A Collection of Art and Picrews
Maybe someday this will be organized
Last edited by Ulric Almasy on Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 29
Avatar by grgikau picrew maker!
Empty City Dragon Bean by Grey!
Empty City look here, art by Ende!
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Ulric Almasy
Character Account
Character Account
Shards: 181.60 
Posts: 183
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:04 pm
Power: 1
Finesse: 2
Mind: 0
Arcane: -1
Minor Arcana Card: 7 of Cups



Playlist Post

Post by Ulric Almasy »

Listen on Spotify
See below for lyrics + youtube links
  1. "Honey Bucket" Melvins
  2. "Aces High" Iron Maiden
  3. "10th Man Down" Nightwish
    Cut me free, bleed with me, oh no/One by one, we will fall, down down/Pull the plug, end the pain, run an' fight for life/Hold on tight/This ain't my fight

  4. "Die By the Blade" Beast in Black
    The abhorrent beast has revealed its ugly face/You can smash all the mirrors/But there's only one true escape/Fight until you/Die by the blade of the one you hate/End of reason, end of the game/Die by the blade of the one you love to hate/With all your heart

  5. "Hazy Shade of Winter" Gerard Way ft. Ray Toro
    Hang onto your hopes my friend/That's an easy thing to say/But if your hopes should pass away/Simply pretend/That you can build them again/Look around/Grass is high/Fields are ripe/It's the springtime of my life

  6. "Perennial" Jinjer
    Annual tradition of mass destruction/In the name of total reconstruction/My biggest source of confusion/The reason of decay and disillusion/Under permanent ice/We found a breathless paradise/No, we're not dead/No, we're not dead/Just enjoying coma/From the ashes of my roots/The new me will rise to live again/This is poetry of youth/This is poetry of me and you

  7. "I Speak Astronomy" Jinjer
    This space foam is so delicious/Dark matter is so divine/Tell me, why are you so suspicious/When you see black holes in my eyes?/Don't discontinue this expedition/When stuck upon event horizon of my eyes/Come and join me in my rotation/We won't be held by no bars/Our reunion was tagged the celestial/The very moment stars got us baptized

  8. "Six Days" Cellar Darling
    The world it has vanished/All that's left are shards of stone/And one faithful man who hasn't yet let go/The universe swallowed/EWver single thing he loved/And the planets don't know/Why he's holding on..../On the sixth day of nothing/Salvation was announced/It rang aloud in his head/Only for him to hear/Surrounding him vast nothingness/The punishments at halt/And all that he could ask himself/Was "Why did I hold on?"

  9. "Deranged for Rock and Roll" Chelsea Wolfe
    All these years/Have made me strong/Three baptisms/For this soiled dove/Out of my head/The final high/I am yours/And you are mine/I'm deranged for rock and roll/I'm deranged for rock and roll/Drink my dreams and sell my soul/I'm deranged for rock and roll

  10. "Running Up That Hill" Coldbones
    Is there so much hate for the ones we love?/Oh tell me we both matter, don't we?/Oh, come on, angel/Come on, come on, darling/Let's exchange the experience

  11. "It's Cold Outside" Fifth Dawn
    These monsters linger inside me/Trying to escape my head/They said all along/The world was a storm/That all the passion was forced inside me/You were the voice in/You were the voice inside my head/Bursting the silence/And now you're a figure/It's cold outside/Why can't I change?/Like I'm ready for/Like you're living undone/You were not scared/You were the voice in/You were the voice in/Like you're living in fearing that you're dead/You were the voice inside my head/"Be braver, be bolder"/It's cold outside/Now why can't I change?/The air it, is thicker/It's cold outside/Now why can't I change?

  12. "New Waves" Dream State
    Sometimes I am weightless/Just drifting through this life unconscious/A wanderer chasing a dream/Walking the edges of reality. is it just me?/I don't need another bug in my brain to feel transiently okay/I'm off all those prodigal old ways/I found a new start on new waves/I've worked too hard/My head and my heart got me this far/I'll wear these scars on my sleeves/Real proud like my broken heart/'Cause all I want is another chance/A new beginning/And I just want to make new waves/And find a new way out/I don't need another bug in my brain/Just wanna feel myself again/I'm off all those prodigal old ways/I made new start on new waves

  13. "Drowning" Atreyu
    Watching the walls in my head growing higher/Weight of my thoughts got me too tired to climb/I'm screaming for help as I suffer in silence/Knife at my neck, yeah I'm numb to the violence/'Cause I'm drowning/Head underwater, I'm alone/I'm drowning/Caught in the undertow

  14. "Rose" A Perfect Circle
    I am, I will/So no longer will I lay down/Play dead, play this/Kneel down/Gun-shy martyr, pitiful/I rose I roared/I will, I am

  15. "Beautiful" 10 Years
    Visually, you're stimulating to my eyes/Your Cinderella syndrome's full of lies/Your insecurities are concealed by your pride/Pretty soon, your ego will kill/What's left inside/Just as beautiful as you are/It's so pitiful what you are/You should have seen this coming all along

  16. "Black Wedding" In This Moment
    I would have loved you for a thousand years/I would have died for you/I would have sacrificed it all my dear/I would have bled for you

  17. "Poetry for the Poisoned Pt. II (So Long)" Kamelot
    So long, your sorrow begone!/(Show me how it feels to be alive)/No more denial, so long/(Let us find a place where we can hide)

  18. "Poetry for the Poisoned Pt. III (All is Over)" Kamelot
    (I am the hole in your broken heart/I am the reason we all depart)/What if all is over?/What if all is over?

  19. "The Patient" Tool
    Is this a test?/It has to be/Otherwise I can't go on/Draining patience, drain vitality/This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old/But I'm still right here, giving blood, keeping faith/And I'm still right here

  20. "Dawn Will Rise" 30 Seconds to Mars
    Come and hit me, strike me while I'm down/Fortunes fade in time/I must change or die/Change or die

  21. "Breña" A Perfect Circle
    My reflection wraps and pulls me under/Healing waters to be bathed in Breña/Guide me safely in worlds I've never been/To heal me, heal me, my dear Breña/Vunerable/It's all right/Heal me, heal me, my dear Breña

  22. "Rain" Sleep Token
    For so long, I have waited/So long that I almost became/Just a stoic statue, fit for nobody/And I don't wanna get in your way/But I finally think I can say/That the vicious cycle was over/The moment you smiled at me/And just like the rain/You cast the dust into nothing/And wash the salt from my hands/So touch me again/I feel my shadow dissolving/Will you cleanse me with pleasure?

word count: 1228
Avatar by grgikau picrew maker!
Empty City Dragon Bean by Grey!
Empty City look here, art by Ende!
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