[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

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Wilson Davis
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[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

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Name: Wilson Davis
Nicknames: Wil, Willy, Willy-D
Birthday: June 22, 2002 (age 20)
Pronouns: he/him

Physical Description: Wilson, no matter what he tries, takes up space. He's chubby and tall and wide, and you can't help but notice him. He wears the mantle of "funny fat friend" well though, and has never been seen in public without a smile and an offered hug. He is Black with dark brown skin. His hair is styled in long locs that he will sometimes braid into a thick, elaborate queue, or tie back with a thick rubber band if he's in a hurry. His eyes are dark and twinkle behind black wire-rimmed glasses. His ears are pierced and he likes to wear large, gaudy earrings. It started as a joke but he started to enjoy the way it looked, so he permanently swapped out diamond studs for big gold geometric 80s pieces he found at the thrift store or enamel birds he found on etsy. He dresses in loose, colorful short-sleeved collared shirts with fun prints - one with flamingos, one with sharks, one with tacos, etc. etc.

Occupation: Third year student at SRU majoring in Political Science, also pursuing improv comedy (he's a little less open about this one though)

Personality: Very few people, if any, are truly liked by everyone. It's astonishing how far Wil has gone, though, to prove that he is the exception. Ask any member of his family, his hometown, the multiple circles he hangs with in St. Raymond and they will all tell you - WillyD is a standup guy. A good student, a responsible roommate, the one the nice old ladies would be happy to let their granddaughters date. A pleasure to have in class and the guy who's fun at parties. To most it seems effortless, but to deny the amount of effort and skill that goes into being friends with any and all people would do him a disservice. He has worked his whole life to be the one who makes everyone laugh, the one who can smooth over conflict, the Good Boy. And he's gotten extremely good at it. He is as at home at a house party as he is in a study session, as comfortable presenting a 7 page report on a brutal war as he is on stage. The improv comedy is just a hobby, of course, he would never abandon his promising career in international security for something like showbusiness.

Backstory: Wilson grew up in and around Washington DC with his mom. He had his pick of where to go for college, what with his stellar grades and numerous extracurriculars, so he decided to move to St. Raymond and attend SRU. He had been accepted to both Almagest and SRU, but SRU's scholarship offer was better. Now, as a third year, he has started to figure out his place in the university and take on responsibility that he is sure will serve his career in the future - he is President of the polysci club, a member of an a capella team, has been featured in multiple school plays, and a high performer on the mock trial team. Despite all these responsibilities, no one has ever heard him turn down an offer for a party or a shoulder to cry on - he would never say no to someone. How he does it all is a mystery.

But don't worry, he thinks, he's used to it. He's good at it. And as long as he never, ever, ever slows down or disappoints anyone or causes conflict anywhere, he'll be fine. This is fine. Look, a joke! *laugh track*

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[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

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The Querent

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[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

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RP Tracker

Last edited by Wilson Davis on Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:33 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 27
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[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

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[Sleeper] Wilson Davis

Post by Wilson Davis »

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