[ sleeper ] Reagan Geere

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Reagan Geere
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[ sleeper ] Reagan Geere

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Name: Reagan Geere
Birthday: June 3, 1993 (30 years)
Pronouns/Gender: He/Him/His, Xe/Xem/Xir, They/Them/Their

Physical Description: Tall and well knit, Reagan's Celtic-pale countenance is rose-tinted and freckled from mixed Welsh and Irish ancestry. Naturally strawberry blonde, the undercut hair is always dyed some shade of purple or blue. Eyes are an amber, yellow-orange shade considered brown by the DMV. Normal street clothes tend towards tight-fitting, punk black and neon with jeans or faux leather. There's a 2mm right nostril stud, nipple piercings if Reagan's in a thin shirt or without it, a navel piercing, and his missing right arm below his elbow.
Occupation: Singer/musician for passion, part-time janitor for a lab for a reportable income for Credit, single property rental/landlord.
Personality: Cooperative - Reagan loves other people. Even just being around them is fine, but it's best if he can be actively interacting and working with others towards big and little goals, anything from making macaroni art to fill a protest wall to joining in an old fashioned barn raising. He likes hearing other ideas, their stories, their dreams, whether he can be an ear or help spitball at plans of achievement. He's not great at coming up with the plot/plan/music/lyrics, and feels the lack of that skill keenly as imposter syndrome, but has found that can at least find happiness as a conduit.
Distracted - Picking his battles is hard for Reagan, or picking fewer battles, because the circumstances of his parents lives having ended abruptly. Mortality is the Sword of Damocles, and he can see it up there, ready to come down without warning. If he doesn't get something done now, he may never get a chance to...
Sensitive - Reagan's emotions are very much on his sleeve, with a complete lack of ability to disseminate them. It doesn't take a magnifier to deduce what he's feeling at any moment. Similarly, even a stranger's opinions can cut him, let alone a friend who he trusts and admires.

Likes: Music, Anything Sparkly, Puns
Dislikes: Horror movies / scary things for no purpose than being scared, over-critical behavior / lack of forgiveness

Hobbies/Talents: Reagan learned a lot of labor skills (brick and mortar, plaster, and basic carpentry) from his grandfather for managing faire grounds and historic encampments. From his grandmother, he learned basic tailoring and music. After graduating high school, Reagan pursued music performance, making use of his clear voice as the frontman for a couple bands over the years. He has local success, because his voice is favored, but he's no songwriter and has to rely on being conduit/muse for the talent of others who can- as such he's never been with a band that had a national hit. He's regularly performed at local and interstate music festivals with his current band Anxiety Council, with their sounds described as consisting of 'multi-genre dance music spanning blues, funk and out and out electro swing.' He still costumes up for the local Rennaisance weekends in the autumn, and gets back to Lute basics.

Backstory: Born in Toledo, Ohio, Reagan and his younger brother survived a traffic collision in their tweens, though their parents did not. Both boys moved in with their maternal grandparents (both Rennies/hippies in their long ago days), and embarked on a warm and loving life at Renaissance Faires and Civil War Reenactment pretty much year round. They lived a lot of upcycling and repairing, and how to make use of auctions and estate sales. Reagan got his current house in his twenties as a near ruin at auction and spent the last 7 years doing repairs (with his brother and grandfather's help when they could visit) so that it could provide him a small apartment for himself and the second part as a two bedroom rental.

  • Power: 0
  • Finesse: 2
  • Mind: 1
  • Arcane: -1
HP: 10
word count: 669
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Reagan Geere
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[ sleeper ] Reagan Geere

Post by Reagan Geere »


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