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[Querent] Jack Lane

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:45 pm
by Jack Lane
Name: Jacqueline Ryan Lane
Nicknames: Jack
Birthday: February 5th, 1992
Pronouns/Gender: she/her

Physical Description: Jack is striking but not beautiful. Her hair is a mousey brown that she box dyes pitch black, falling in a messy bob to just above her shoulders -- but most of the time, it's pulled back into utilitarian braids to keep it out of her face. Her eyes are dark and deep-set under slashing brows; her face is long with a pointed chin and cutting cheekbones; her nose is straight and narrow and just slightly arched, coming to a point; her lips are thin and pale, like the rest of her. She skates the line between severe and delicate, like a flower that could maybe kill you. Her body is lean, flat-chested and narrow-hipped and toned with carefully cultivated muscle. Her hands are long, strong, and usually covered with calouses and small injuries. She bruises more easily than she'd like. Every now and then, she'll mix a khaki green or grey in amongst the severe black of her wardrobe.

Occupation: Jack's life is fencing; she competes at a national level. But she also currently helps run Lee's print business.

Personality: Quiet and severe and a little intense, Jack is frequently intimidating to newcomers -- and, sometimes, even to people who know her well. Her expression is hard to read, stoic and leaning toward annoyed even when she's happy. Depth of patience, an ability to stand by and see what happens, to tolerate the difficult moods and shifting needs of others, is balanced out by a short fuse when you hit on one of her triggers: bullying, politicians, reproductive rights. She speaks quietly most of the time, and she speaks frankly, not dancing around with niceties or telling people what they want to hear. She is confident, stubborn, intense, serious, and her sense of humor sucks. She holds most people at arm's length. She shares little of herself, but she'll say it's because there isn't much to share.

Backstory: The name Arty Lane is relatively well known across the country. Now he's the Republican Senator of New Hampshire; moderately conservatine but not diving into the deep end of the party, pushing for a different kind of people to take over while still leaning hard into Family Values. About fifteen years ago, though, he was on the Council of St. Raymond, a major political figure in the city, and on every list as an up-and-comer with a potential Presidental run -- until, of course, his only daughter got knocked up at the age of sixteen and the scandal of it knocked him back.

Jack had and gave up the baby, but she did it against her family's wishes: refusing either to terminate the pregnancy or to go into hiding until it had passed, and to pretend it hadn't happened. They didn't disown her, but she did choose to leave, moving in with her best friend Lee and his family. She went from being in the top percentages of her class with extracurriculars that put her on an ivy league track to barely getting her diploma.

Instead of staying the sheltered and beloved daughter of a painfully wealthy political family, Jack clawed her own way to college, following Lee to Oregon State. She probably missed her opportunity to go to the Olympics for her fencing, but continued to compete at a national level as she worked her way through a BA in Business Administration and then an MBA, staying close to Lee and his more academic pursuits. Every now and then, maybe, she dreamed of the Medieval Studies degree that could have happened.

After graduation, with some help, she got a mid-level job in Facilities at the university, and worked her way up to management. When Lee's family trouble summoned him home to St. Raymond, she followed.

  • Power: 0
  • Finesse: 2
  • Mind: 1
  • Arcane: -1
HP: 10


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:30 pm
by Jack Lane

Minor Arcana Card: The Ten of Pentacles
Elemental Attunement:
  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 1
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0
Mark of the Querent: The palm of Jack's hand is colored silver, slightly metallic.
Arcana Magic: Never Broke - Any time Jack needs money, she finds what she needs so that she doesn't suffer longterm effects from being broke. This means she might find a five on the street, or someone might cover her food -- or if she's deep in a hole, she suddenly finds some missing funds in an account she forgot about, gets a tax break, or otherwise the problem resolves itself. This power will never make her rich, but she'll also never end up deep in a financial hole she can't get back out of.

Expertise - Jack is a Nationally ranked Fencer. When armed with her Epee, she has expertise. (+2)