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[Sleeper] Vitali Lupybat'ko

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:55 am
by Vitali Lupybatko

-- Basics

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:59 am
by Vitali Lupybatko
Name: Vitali Lupybat'ko
Nicknames: none he'll accept yet.
Birthday: June 13th, 1991[26]
Pronouns/Gender: He/HIm

Physical Description:
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187lbs
Eye Color: blue/grey
Hair Color: Medium/Dark brown
Hair Style: Buzzed close and neat. Facial hair kept short and neatly trimmed.
Skin Color: Pale, with a variety of tattoos starting at his neck and proceeding downwards across his chest, arms, and hands
Physique: Lean and built, one of the ways he likes to unwind is working out, and it shows. He's got broad shoulders, and a narrow waist.
Occupation: Bouncer at Ilya's bar
+ Bold
+ Cheerful
+ Charming
+/- Impulsive
+/- Ambitious
+/- Adventurous
- Selfish
- Moral ambiguity
- Out for himself

Backstory: Vitali was fairly literally born into a life of crime; his father, a Ukrainian transport, held a middling position in a wide reaching and well known bratva in Moscow. He was a book keeper and money manager for a number of businesses owned by the family, and with that position came security and a semblance of safety. His mother, a native of Moscow, died when Vitali was only 5 years old, leaving him to the protective care of his father and the criminals he worked for.

As a result the young man was drawn into that life early. He was a runner for the bratva by the age on seven, delivering money, goods, and information between people and businesses. As he aged he moved up among the ranks until he eventually hit his stride as an enforcer. Life was full of drinking, partying, getting into and out of trouble. It would have been ideal for a blossoming thug, if he didn't have a dangerous secret.

For a long time Vitali managed to keep his sexuality under wraps. It wouldn't have been safe if he were outed. Even still, some things are too big to keep locked away forever.

Fortunately, the one who eventually found out about Vitali's tastes, a higher up in the bratva he worked for on occasion, shared them. What started a little frightening and rocky turned into something more, mutually beneficial. Vitali wanted for nothing, kept safe and spoiled.

Good things don't always last. With growing cultural and political strains it was becoming increasingly risky for the a half Ukrainian gay man to live comfortably in Russia. Using his connections and influence, Vitali's boss has sent him to the states, where he'll be safer.

Stats: (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)
  • Power: 2
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: -1
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 11