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[paused] Badly's Comms

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:41 am
by badly
PAUSED FOR A BIT to work through my queue, thank u all so much for the interest!!
right now my owed is;
-finalize last bits of suri's house for ami
-ever portrait, for blue
-nash portrait, for kuro
-erika portrait, for pisces
-(extra reserved spot for inquiries that were made but not finalized before i closed!)
HELLOOOO i've been meaning to put this thread up for ages, so i'm forcing myself to throw something quick & messy up instead of fiddling with formatting for another week 8)

so for right now, i'll be offering three things, all for shards, so i can get cracking on my other querents :3
  • Tarot Reading | 10 shards ea.
    I can do these for you OOC if you really want, but ideally what I'm looking to do is a quick 'character dev' reading! Basically, if you're plotting a new character, or trying to nail down morals, goals, fears, or strengths of a character you're working on, I can put together a quick reading for them that might provide some insight or inpiration. Drew was developed this way, with an 8-card spread, but I can tailor them to whatever you need, or even just pull a single card!
    All readings will be on a standard Rider-Waite, unless you want to request one of my fancy decks. I have True Black, Ascendant Weaver (a gender-neutral deck), and a deck of playing cards if you want a particularly vague outcome haha. If you're interested in a much more religiously-themed deck and reading for your character's vibe, I also have a super non-standard deck called the Alchemyst Woodcut.
  • Location-Building Project | Depends on the scope of the project, but I'm tentatively starting at 50 shards ea.
    I have Sims 4, with every expansion. I like building in Sims 4, a lot. Do you want me to build a location you've been trying to visualize? Do you like the idea of sitting in vc with me while I stream the game through discord, so you can provide live / active input? Then boy do I have an offer for you!!
    Seriously, I really love building in the Sims and I can do anything from single bedrooms to multi-level mansions with full exteriors. I'm also happy to dig around for custom content if there's something you absolutely can't live without in a build. I can also provide screenshots from any angle once a build is done, if you want to use them as art references, and pretty much anything else you'd want to ask for. All builds will be kept in one CS-exclusive save file, so I can pop in and out of them as-needed for screencaps and things as well! \o/
  • Portrait Paintings, Concept Design, & Other Art | starting at 100 shards ea.
    This will have to be discussed depending on the scope as well, since there's like a thousand iterations of exactly how big or difficult an art project could be LMAO. Right now, I'm mainly looking to help with EC form concepts, or paint basic portraits (like the one Drew has as his icon!) but I'm also happy just to figure something out if you wanna toss me an offer!
    Be warned that I can't draw backgrounds worth dick, and I take FOREVER to do 'clean' lineart (like cartoons / anime use) but rn I'm so shard-hungry I'm willing to talk any kind of art with bigger offers lmfao...
I MIGHT clean this thread up & add things to it later, but pls dm me directly on discord about booking / discussing / enquiring / anything u wanna clarify abt all this!!

[open] Badly's Comms

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:07 am
by rexcorvus