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✦ [ sleeper ] Quinton Fulbright

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:29 pm
by Quinton Fulbright

✦ Character Profile

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:45 pm
by Quinton Fulbright
Name: Quinton Fulbright
Nicknames: Quinn, though it's rare anyone calls him this
Birthday: March 11th, 1987 (36 years old)
Pronouns/Gender: male; he/him

Physical Description: Tall and lean with a swimmer's build (from actual swimming in high school and college, as well as keeping up with it after in his free time) and pale blue eyes the color of an icy winter's day, Quinton is deceptively strong in his stiff, three-piece suits and meticulously ironed silk ties, but also not even close to being a bodybuilder. His red curls are the one thing he tries and fails to contain most of the time, owing to just genetics disallowing him to keep it straight, so he does his best to at least make sure they're glossy and healthy; the underside of his hair, above the back of his neck, is shaved a few inches up to help try and maintain this. He wears a pair of wire rimmed glasses because he's ridiculously near-sighted (we're talking -8 in both eyes), though he sometimes changes the style to match his wardrobe. Everything he owns is from an elite, wealthy brand; suits from Armani, slick, shiny shoes from Prada, the works.

Occupation: Personal secretary to a government official; a position he takes extremely seriously. He works in the Surveillance Department for ASTAR.

Personality: Serious to a fault and pedantic about useless things (mostly to others), with a staunch belief in what is Right and what is Wrong; his mentality is extremely black and white and he abides only by what he can research and decide for himself, easily disregarding other people's opinions and views on things. Quinton is a stickler about rules, despises troublemakers and lawlessness with a passion, and lives his life rigidly with a set of guidelines and morals that he refuses (and doesn't really know how) to compromise. Everything is about order and strictness; without routine, he has no idea what to do with himself or how he's supposed to handle anything. He's absolutely terrible with spontaneity; everything about surprises are unwanted, even happy or positive ones; if he can't prepare himself mentally (and sometimes physically) for what's ahead, he struggles to accept it and will often either shut down or get angry (often times both, with the former following the latter). He's meticulously tidy; his house is all glass and wood, built to his tastes in a modern, open concept style where all the furniture is sleek and shiny and exactly in its place - including Quinton himself. He focuses on things he can control and a lack of ability to put full trust in anyone else means that he's extremely limited in his personal ties with people, especially since he can come across as intense, blunt, and cold. He believes in the truth, no matter how tactless or painful it may be - except when it comes to himself.

Backstory: Quinton lived a perfectly normal life with perfectly normal parents raised in Boston, Massachusets. An only child, he was gifted in his ability to maintain high grades and studied with a fervor that was almost alarming in its intensity. He had a few friends here and there, but no one he really connected with except for a boy in 9th grade who was on the same academic level as he was and who understood his passion for learning, though not fully his need for order. In spite of this, they were inseparable for close to a year before Quinton discovered, in the middle of his sophomore year, that he was the butt of a long-running joke between that so-called friend and some other boys who had wanted to see how long they could string Quinton along without him knowing. After that, Quinton focused only on his studies and later attended Harvard; he graduated with a double major in Political Science and Business Administration.

Currently Quinton lives alone; he still keeps in contact with his parents, but not often, preferring to focus on his job in St. Raymond's.

✦ Querent Awakening

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:45 pm
by Quinton Fulbright
🖋️ Minor Arcana Card:
🖋️ Elemental Attunement:

  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0

🖋️ Mark of the Querent:

🖋️ Arcana Magic:

🖋️ Stats:
  • Power: 1
  • Finesse: 0
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: -1

🖋️ HP: 9

✦ RP Thread Tracker

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:46 pm
by Quinton Fulbright

completed | in progress
  • 001 Deal With the Devil - w/ Lukas
  • 002 No Favors? - w/ Lukas
  • 003 Dinner Conversation - w/ Lukas
  • 004 Cooling Heels - w/ Lukas & Suri
  • 005 Hefty Negotians - w/ Lukas

✦ Art Gallery

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:46 pm
by Quinton Fulbright

Coming soon to a theater near you.

✦ Music Playlist

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:35 am
by Quinton Fulbright

Coming soon to a theater near you.