[querent] Drew Torrance

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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords



[querent] Drew Torrance

Post by Drew Torrance »

Name: Drew Torrance
Nicknames: Andy
Birthday: 10.27.1998 (scorpio)
Pronouns/Gender: He/Him

Physical Description:
A looming 6’4” beanpole of a man, who shrouds his gangly figure in baggy graphic tees and long, draping hoodies. He has a sharp jawline, and dark, wavy hair that always seems to fall across one eye— no matter how many times he flips it out of the way— perpetually obscuring his thick brows, long lashes, and sharp brown eyes.
He is pale, but the undertones of his skin make it clear that he would be a little darker if he ever saw the sun. His father, who left when he was young, was an Italian-American man, and his mother is Puerto Rican.
His style is grungy and dark, with nasty horror designs plastered across most of his shirts, a scrappy patchwork collection of edgy tattoos, tattered sneakers, chunky silver chains, and rings depicting monsters and satanic symbols, completely betraying the serious career he is studying for. He is not ‘deliberately’ part of any one subculture, however; he’s just naturally a bit of a freak.

Between working towards a Forensics degree at Almagest University, and traveling home to check on his younger brothers, he has a part-time job at an obscure little costume store near his apartment in Little Ray. He is a regular customer, and has snatched up more than one vintage Halloween mask from the place.

Cocky, relaxed, and almost impossible to frustrate or embarrass, Drew has an easy-going confidence that seems unshakable. He expresses himself freely, from his bisexuality to his tastes in music, movies, and fashion, and doesn’t take people who judge him seriously unless he thinks he has truly fucked up.
He minds his own business unless he thinks he can contribute his unique skillset to a situation, but will also drop everything if he thinks a loved one is in need; especially his mom, and two younger brothers.

Halloween is his favorite time of year, so much so that he has been described as the embodiment of the season by those who know him best. He loves haunted houses, corn mazes, jack-o-lanterns, scary costumes, all kinds of classic monsters; ghosts, skeletons, werewolves, mummies, and mutant creatures; and both his apartment and his car are covered in spooky decorations year round.
Rubber masks hang between posters of classic slasher films on the wall, cobwebs and grinning pumpkins are tucked into every other corner, decals of ghosts dot his windows, and a shitty old motion-activated skeleton with flashing red eyes hangs beside his front door, cackling and jittering every time anyone enters or leaves his apartment.
He is also a huge nerd when it comes to the horror genre. He is an endless well of obscure horror trivia, from retro classics to rare foreign films, and has a bookshelf stuffed full of Stephen King, Clive Barker, Junji Ito, and a complete collection of every Goosebumps book ever printed.

His real talent, however, is his near-prodigal skill in forensic biology. He has been fascinated with medical science and the criminal justice system since he was young, and studied everything he could get his hands on with avid enthusiasm. In highschool, he excelled so much that his teachers would constantly pull him aside to interrogate him about his future plans, urging him to ‘tidy up’ his appearance and apply for the best possible colleges.
Opportunities to be a surgeon, a pharmacist, an EMT, or a biochemist were thrust at him, and every year he spent deciding was met with increasingly urgent pleas not to ‘waste’ his ability. Ultimately, he chose to pursue a degree in forensics to serve his life-long desire to aid in the justice system. And, y'know, because it's cool.
His mind is extremely sharp, far more than his nonchalant attitude would give away. He seems capable of tireless focus and absorbs technical information like a sponge, accomplishing more study and memorization in a day than some of his peers can achieve in a week.
In spite of his razor-sharp mind, he is not openly ‘intellectual’, and almost never mentions his vast array of strange knowledge unless it is absolutely relevant, nor is he a particularly serious or studious-seeming person. He loves teasing and small pranks, and will crack up when his friends smack at him in gentle irritation.

He rarely drops his nonchalant teasing attitude, however, even when talking about serious subjects, or working under professional conditions. Because he excels so much in his chosen field, easily topping almost every class he has taken, he has never felt the need to try to impress anyone with his personality, and comes across as lazy, sloppy, and disrespectful, no matter how good his results are on paper.
His posture, appearance, and attitude also give off ‘bad vibes’, and tend to make people feel like he’s an asshole, regardless of how amiable he is. Most of his attention is turned inward, to his own interests, hobbies, work, goals, and family life, and he rarely offers information about himself without being pressed on the subject, which makes him all the more infuriating, coming off as emotionally unavailable despite his true nature.
Deep conversations? Never heard of her.
This is only worsened by his disinterest in disproving bad impressions, as he doesn’t believe in wasting his time trying to impress people who have an issue with him. He believes that actions speak for themselves, and that someone’s opinion of him being ‘wrong’ is not his problem.

Though he is frequently mistaken for an irresponsible douchebag for his cocky smirk and ‘fuckboy vibe’, he has spent more than half his life acting as a father figure for his younger brothers, and prioritizes his responsibilties so much that it can make it difficult to bond with him. He was dumped into the role at nine years old, when his father left and his mother was forced to take up several full-time jobs, and it quickly shaped him into a dedicated young man who was mature beyond his years.
His brothers— George, seven years younger than him, and Gage, nine years younger than him— have been his primary responsibility since his father left. Though the family had plenty of hardships, the boys often describe their time together as one big boy’s night, enthusing about their nights playing video games, eating takeout, and listening to music together, and both speak highly of their weird, dorky big brother.
Having turned 18 and 16 within the last year, they are now working and supporting themselves, allowing Drew to move out and start his own life at last. He still returns home to check on the boys routinely, and keeps his phone on him at all times in case of emergencies, but has been reveling in the long-awaited peace and privacy of his own apartment.
These days, he is often found in cinemas, malls, curio stores, libraries, or hanging out at house parties thrown by his classmates. He rarely drinks more than a beer, but he loves the energy of a weekend party, and has quickly accumulated a gaggle of grungy friends.

  • Power: 1
  • Finesse: 0
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: -1
HP: 9
Last edited by Drew Torrance on Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1216
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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords




Post by Drew Torrance »


Last edited by Drew Torrance on Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1
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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords




Post by Drew Torrance »

[Magic Advancements]

⚔️ Minor Arcana Card: The Two of Swords
Elemental Attunement:
  • Air: 1
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0
👁️ Mark of the Querent: The palm of Drew's hand is colored storm gray. Due to his Courtly Glamour, this mark is typically hidden.
  • Crossroads
    The two swords, the two intersecting paths that can be taken, and the card of indecision and insight. By placing his colored palm over the eyes of a willing target, Drew is able to provide a flash of clarity within the darkness; an ‘aha’ moment that breaks the tie between two decisions the target felt ‘stuck’ between. The realization must come from information the target already possesses, but may be something they had overlooked. To resist it, a target only needs to close their eyes.

[Mundane Advancements]
  • Expertise (Forensic Testing)
    Drew is exceptionally talented with forensic biology, and has an instinctive knack for crime scene examination; particularly, discovering and examining physical evidence, and running biological tests.

[Costmetic Advancements]
  • Courtly Glamour
    Exposure to the Empty City has granted the ability to blend in. While Drew is not using any magic, he appears completely mundane, however the activation of any magic dispels the glamour for the rest of the scene.
  • Minor Glamour
    After using magic, the storm gray of Drew’s left palm returns, along with faintly glowing moonlight-white irises, a strange eye-shaped marking on his colored palm, and a dusty gray color on his left hand that is darkest at his fingertips and fades away before it reaches his mid-forearm.
Last edited by Drew Torrance on Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:31 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 256
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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords




Post by Drew Torrance »

  • Drew's Apartment, Little Ray
    [WIP; a tiny, extremely run-down, one person apartment, his current home]
  • ST. RAY PARTY & COSTUME, Little Ray
    [WIP; his current part-time job]
  • Torrance Family Home, Raymet Suburbs
    [WIP; where his mom and two brothers live]

  • Mermaid's Heart
    A faintly-glowing blue-green gemstone, wrapped in hand-woven cord to be worn as a necklace. Though it exists, now, in the waking world, the gem is a magical object drawn out of the dream. Drew does not yet know what it does, but views it as a piece of Ella, based on the way she described discovering and powering it.
Last edited by Drew Torrance on Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 109
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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords




Post by Drew Torrance »

  • Rosa Torrance, mom (53)
    A quiet, focused, single-minded woman, who spends every waking moment working to give her boys whatever they need. In spite of the heavy mantle of responsibility she placed on Drew's shoulders, and the many fights and bitter nights he endured wishing she was home more often, the person he really blames for his family's hardships is his father. Rosa has given her life for her boys, and the three of them know it all too well.
  • Georgie Torrance, brother (18)
    A creative at heart, he likes dark comics, ARGs, and unsolved mysteries, with no real fashion sense outside of ‘black with jeans’. When he was younger, he was smitten with the “creepypasta” phenomenon, and still has a 3ft tall Slenderman doll hanging from a hook on his wardrobe. Mild-mannered and introverted, he rarely talks about his feelings, or much of anything, with other people.
    He is currently working at a library, with his heart set on getting a formal literature qualification. With Drew gone, and Gage still too young to be left alone, he hasn’t yet been able to pursue his real goals, and has become increasingly bitter.
  • Gage Torrance, brother (16)
    A yappy puppy of a youngest brother, he likes edgy anime, video games, livestreamers, and dank memes. He cares deeply about fashion, and goes out of his way to spend most of his paychecks on stylish “eboy” clothes, often talking about starting his own clothing brand. He is loud, emotional, and wears his heart on his sleeve, no matter how much he tries to be as ‘low-key’ as his older brothers.
    He is currently working at a gaming store, and has a large circle of geeky, anime-loving friends that often crash at the Torrance household. He has to be pushed harder than Georgie to make ‘responsible’ choices, but he is always trying his best.

  • [Ella Barnett] 💞
    Girlfriend. Adorable, funny, fun to be around. Always wanna hear her laugh...
  • [Gale Gentry]
    Pain in the damn ass.
  • [Wilson Davis]
    Good guy. Ella's roommate. Kind when it counted most.
  • [Ever Ambrodiel]
    Twiggy bastard, one-time hookup, thief. Smh.
  • [Nash Flynn]
    One-time hookup. Not much else to say. Hope they got away from that guy.
  • [Ares Angelos]
  • [Sanya Kozlov]
    Way too friendly, gonna get himself in trouble.
  • [Noah Barnett]
    Ella's brother. Patient, quiet, smart. Kind and helpful.
  • [Sarah Ellis]
    Field Analyst for a subsector of public security called Anomaly Study and Recruitment. Doesn't take 'no' for an answer.
Last edited by Drew Torrance on Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:49 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 424
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Drew Torrance
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Minor Arcana Card: Two of Swords




Post by Drew Torrance »

  • -🔪- (PRP ; Gale & Drew pt1) [COMPLETE]
  • -🔥- (PRP ; Nash, Ares & Drew) [COMPLETE]
  • -💰- (PRP ; Ever & Drew) [COMPLETE]
  • -🥂- (PRP ; Wilson & Drew pt1) [COMPLETE]
  • -🧠- (PRP ; Ella & Drew pt1) [COMPLETE]
  • -🔍- (SOLO ; Invesitgating)
  • -🔪- (PRP ; Gale & Drew pt2)
  • -🥂- (PRP ; Wilson & Drew pt2) [COMPLETE]
  • -📚- (PRP ; Sanya & Drew) [COMPLETE]
  • -🐸- (PRP, EC ; Ella & Drew pt2) [COMPLETE]
  • -📞- (PRP ; Drew & Noah) [COMPLETE]
  • -🏥- (SOLO ; Waiting) [COMPLETE]
  • -💞- (PRP, EC ; Ella & Drew pt3) [COMPLETE]
  • -🧰- (PRP ; Drew & Suri) [COMPLETE]
  • -👐- (PRP, EC ; Ella & Drew pt4)
[Ongoing Drabbles & Solos]
  • -🏠- (SOLO ; Torrance Brothers)
  • -👻- (SOLO, EC ; Teddy)
  • -🐸 / 👑 / 🧸- (DRABBLES ; Ella & Drew)
word count: 84
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