✦ [ querent ] November Nash Flynn

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November Flynn
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Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ [ querent ] November Nash Flynn

Post by November Flynn »

Last edited by November Flynn on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:17 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 0
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November Flynn
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Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ Character Profile

Post by November Flynn »

Name: November Nash Flynn
Nicknames: Nash; he vastly prefers his middle name over his first
Birthday: October 1st, 1997 (26 years old)
Pronouns/Gender: male; he/him but doesn't mind they/them either

Physical Description: He's willowy and slender, not particularly muscular, and with his delicate jawline and long lashed green eyes he sways on the edge of being both masculine in some ways and feminine in others. His black hair is straight, with absolutely no curl to it, and has an ombre of neon green at the tips for fun. Nash's vast array of tattoos grows continually as he adds to the tangles of thorns and bones and geometric shapes; the more, the better. His clothing is essentially made up of "whatever the fuck I feel like wearing today," but usually ends up a chaotic ensemble of black and neon fabrics, pins, zippers, buttons, rips, tears and the occasional tulle. Nash dresses for himself and no one else.

Occupation: Currently unemployed and living off of the trust fund that was given to him after he turned 25; he struggles with the concept of figuring out what the hell he's supposed to do with his life because the trust fund won't last him forever.

Personality: Built on a foundation of sarcasm and a reckless energy that never seems to go away, Nash is someone that needs to constantly be moving and doing something, otherwise he gets too in his head and starts overthinking things. If he's not out climbing trees or flinging himself off of bridges with bungee cords tied to his ankles, he's sneaking into movie theaters or filching someone's bike off of their lawn to go for a spin. His lack of proper discipline as a child means that he never really understood that there can be intense consequences for his actions, most of which he won't like. Nash is a reckless, wild thing buzzing with a need for more of everything; he's got a good heart, but it's messy and untamed and he falls in love rapidly and falls out just as quickly. He chases highs where he can get them, and is, in many respects, very naïve about how the world actually works. He has trouble parsing his own emotions sometimes and doesn't fully get that society's views and his own don't always match up.

Backstory: The second son of two very independent people, November Flynn has spent most of his life fending for himself, just like his older brother October. His mother was a model-turned-state-prosecutor, while his father was a peace loving hippie who spent a great deal of time advocating for Nudity Thursdays at the local bar and passing out All Natural Remedies for everything. The upbringing of both sons was free-spirited and loose, with rarely any discipline and an excess of chia seeds and kale in every recipe.

When Nash was sixteen, his mother quit her job as a high powered lawyer and took off with his father, the two of them embarking on a find-yourself-again journey across the world. It's been ten years since then, and they're still on their journey. Meanwhile Nash has moved to St. Raymond's, his older brother October is off - somewhere, who the hell knows - and Nash is trying to decide what he wants to do with his life.

Last edited by November Flynn on Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:34 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 575
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November Flynn
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Nickname: Nash
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Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ Querent Awakening

Post by November Flynn »

。・:*˚:✧。 Minor Arcana Card: Nine of Wands
。・:*˚:✧。 Elemental Attunement:

  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 1
  • Water: 0

。・:*˚:✧。 Mark of the Querent: The palm of Nash's hand is colored a bright green.

。・:*˚:✧。 Arcana Magic: When Nash's HP drops below half (at this time, this would mean 3), his entire body becomes engulfed in bright green flames until he feels safe again. These flames are not pure fire and cannot reduce someone to total ash, but they can cause relatively decent burns. Nash himself is immune to them, but they do burn away his clothes/anything he has on him at the time. While the flames are active, anyone within arm's reach takes -1 HP per round.

。・:*˚:✧。 Air-Attuned Crystal: Any Querent with at least one point in the element of Air can charge this crystal with energy. When charged, once per thread the Querent can expel this energy to gain +1 to a roll in the relevant element. If a Querent is using a crystal attuned to an element they are not aligned with, they will gain the ability to cast a cantrip with a +1 in that element! However, they are unable to recharge this crystal and must find an appropriate Querent to do it for them.

。・:*˚:✧。 Major Glamour: The sclera of Nash's eyes have turned black and his canine teeth have elongated into sharper fangs.

。・:*˚:✧。 Stats:
  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 0
  • Arcane: 2

。・:*˚:✧。 HP: 8

Last edited by November Flynn on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:17 pm, edited 26 times in total. word count: 240
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November Flynn
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:21 pm
Nickname: Nash
Power: -1
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Mind: 0
Arcane: 2
Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ RP Thread Tracker

Post by November Flynn »


completed | in progress
  • 001 Lawbreakers - w/ Ares
  • 002 Record Keeping - w/ Viv
  • 003 Pride in the Park - w/ everyone
  • 004 What's Yours is Mine - w/ Ares
  • 005 The Key to Success is Thievery - w/ Juniper
  • 006 [ Reading ] November Flynn - w/ mysterious orange man
  • 007 Regret and Other Feelings - w/ Ares & Drew
  • 008 In Record Time - w/ Viv
  • 009 One Nine to Another - w/ Ella
  • 010 Every Day and Every Night - w/ Ares
  • 011 [ Meta ] The First Rain - w/ Jack
  • 012 [ Meta ] The Last Sunsets - w/ everyone
  • 013 [ Meta ] How Many of Us Are There? - w/ everyone
  • 014 [ Meta ] Bits and Pieces - w/ Thorn
  • 015 [ Meta ] The Amphitheater - w/ everyone
  • 016 [ Meta ] The Sails - w/ everyone
  • 017 [ Meta ] The Heart - w/ everyone
  • 018 Oopsie Daisies - w/ Juniper
  • 019 Journeys End in Lovers Meeting - w/ Ares
  • 020 Pretty When I Cry - w/ Viv
  • 021 Trick or Sneak - w/ Juniper
  • 022 Bro House Holiday Party - w/ Ares & Juniper
  • 023 Harmless Conveniences - w/ Ares
  • 024 Controlled Burn - w/ Juniper

Last edited by November Flynn on Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 166
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November Flynn
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:21 pm
Nickname: Nash
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Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ Art Gallery

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Last edited by November Flynn on Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:07 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 0
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November Flynn
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:21 pm
Nickname: Nash
Power: -1
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Arcane: 2
Minor Arcana Card: 9 of Wands



✦ Music Playlist

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