[Sleeper] Connor Sullivan

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Connor Sullivan
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[Sleeper] Connor Sullivan

Post by Connor Sullivan »

Name: Connor Sullivan
Birthday: July 27, 1998
Pronouns/Gender: he/him

Physical Description: If he weren't a ginger, Connor might be forgettable: average height, average weight, the muscle he put on in active duty shed away to long nights of studying and time spent at a desk struggling through lessons. At a distance, he looks like a guy with red hair cropped into a carefully tidy cut. Up close, there are details that might set him apart: the deep, faded blue of his eyes, the crookedness of his jaw, underneath a closely-kept red beard, the arch of his eyebrows.

His clothes are plain as well: jeans or slacks, flannels or soft t-shirts. He owns a suit, but these days it's a little bit too big. He wears nice shoes, but he's more comfortable in battered new balance sneakers.

Occupation: 3rd year med student, in a Veteran program. Currently doing some hospital grunt work -- not yet in his residency.

Personality: Connor's biggest strength is an intense focus and a drive to improve himself, which is grounded in the fact that he probably has a lot of improvement to do. His issue in high school is his issue now: a barely-controlled impulsivity, a desire to indulge, a short temper and a deep defensiveness. It's balanced out, though, by a desperate desire to help others, to do well by them, and to leave a mark to some degree on the world. Much of his story so far has been about remaking himself, and he prickles when anyone finds flaws with the 'new him'.

He is deft and physical and very skilled with his hands. He can fix things. He is quick, and often seems fearless. But books and learning have always been difficult for him, as has listening and being attentive to the emotions of others. His focus is usually the self, and other people are something new.

He has a wicked and sometimes-mean sense of humor that he struggles to keep in check.

Backstory: As a child he was a troublemakers: he bombed his junior/senior years of high school through a combination of slacking off and cheating which got him in enough trouble that he didn't get into any of his top college picks and opted to take a year off. Half that year was also spent goofing off, drinking, and partying; the other half was angry parents, pointed fingers, and you have to make something of yourself. He enlisted partly due to bad options, and partly to show his parents what for.

It annoys him a little that in the end it worked out for him. The Army knocked away some of the attitude, and also managed to cultivate some of the good. A lot of it was having to struggle; before that, middle class, he'd never really had a hard time, had always had someone to bail him out, had never needed his summer jobs the way so many did. But also, it was about finding something that actually mattered to him.

For Connor, that was becoming a medic: training beyond basic to help him help other people. His own injury and the treatment of it made him focus on doing so for others, and wen he finally came home after five years, it was to take advantage of a veteran program to go into med school.

It's a struggle for him, though. Connor was never a particularly good student, and never really learned how to struggle. The fact he's barely scraping by is thanks to study groups and sheer desperation, pushing himself toward success in the hope that someday he can be an effective surgeon.

  • Power: 0
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: -1
  • Arcane: 2
HP: 9
word count: 631
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