Attuned Crystal Charging Thread

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The Reader
The Reader
The Reader
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Attuned Crystal Charging Thread

Post by The Reader »

If Querents have Attuned Crystals aligned to their element, it’s assumed that they can charge these themselves, with no tracking required. However, in order to charge Attuned Crystals that Querents are not aligned with, they must find a Querent with a bonus in that element and have a brief post exchange in this thread to confirm. This exchange can be as simple as a summary of events, or it can be a short drabble exchange (simply 2-5 posts) of RP, where all players participate at least once. After this, the crystal will be ready to use once more.

When posting in this thread, please use the form below:

Code: Select all

[b]Character One:[/b] Who owns the crystal?
[b]Character Two:[/b] Who is charging the crystal?
[b]Attunement:[/b] What element is the crystal?
[b]Exchange:[/b] You can either write out how it happens in summary, or you can do a VERY BRIEF (2-5 posts max) RP in this thread of the exchange.
Once completed, Character Two (the charging character) should quote the form with their consent, and the crystal will be changed.
word count: 189
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