[sleeper] Hera Johnson

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Hera Johnson
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[sleeper] Hera Johnson

Post by Hera Johnson »

Name: Hera Johnson
Nicknames: NA
Birthday: June 13, 1998
Pronouns/Gender: She/her

Physical Description:

Hera has golden-brown hair, bronze skin, brown eyes with high cheek bones. A smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose make her look sweeter than she is. She’s 5’11” in regular shoes and a full six feet in heels. She’s slim, but mostly soft, lacking the self-discipline to make it the gym more than once every three weeks. Her preferred clothing is anything that makes a statement, though she has a particular fondness for animal print.

Occupation: Uber driver, small-time pilot, aspiring aersopsace engineer studying at Almagest University

Personality: Hera likes to go fast. She is a whirlwind of kinetic energy: always looking for stimulation, always doing five things at once, always going at the speed of warp. She’s intellectual bordering on brilliant with an ego the size of Everest, and emotionally intelligent enough to know how to play nice with other people, but she is bored easily, something which makes her a fickle and fair-weather friend. Hera is also proud and defiant and tends to make snap judgments that say more about her than the person she’s judging. She has a capacity for viciousness if crossed. The kind of friend you invite to your birthday party because they bring good presents and might have interesting stories to tell over cocktails, not because you’re close.

Hera loves anything with an engine — cars, planes, boats, ships, space shuttles. You name it, she’s either taken it apart (to put it back together) or found a way to study it.


The only daughter of Penthesilea (Lea) Angelos-Johnson and Sean Johnson, Hera grew up in Little Ray in a house just down the block from her grandfather’s bungalow. The Angelos-Johnsons were deceptively well off: choosing to stay in Little Ray to be close to family even though they could have afforded to live in one of the more affluent parts of St. Ray. Hera spent a great deal of her childhood helping out at the Angelos family garage, receiving her first pair of coveralls at the age of six and her first monkey wrench shortly after. She’s lived a privileged and mostly easy life.

Until the recent death of her grandfather, the most traumatic event of her life was the day her cousin Ares ran away to go be a hippie in British Columbia. She has yet to forgive him for it.

  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 8
word count: 431
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