✦ [ sleeper ] Merric Cassel

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Merric Cassel
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✦ [ sleeper ] Merric Cassel

Post by Merric Cassel »

Last edited by Merric Cassel on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:20 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 0
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Merric Cassel
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✦ Character Profile

Post by Merric Cassel »

Name: Merric Cassel
Nicknames: n/a
Birthday: April 3rd, 1987 (36 years old)
Pronouns/Gender: male; he/him

Physical Description: Slim and elegant, with long limbs and pale skin that always seems to burn instead of tan and a mole just below the left side of his mouth. Merric is just under six foot and has never had a gym membership in his life, but goes on daily walks so he's not totally out of shape (he just prefers not to get gross and sweaty in the process of keeping fit). He keeps himself dressed to the nines, always professional in a three piece suit (usually) with impeccable tailoring, every part of his early gray hair smoothed into place, wire-framed glasses cleaned to a T, without a single stitch out of place. Clothes are Merric's armor; he can never be seen not at his absolute best.

Occupation: Personal Assistant/Secretary to someone within the government.

Personality: A quiet, dignified man, Merric has a hard time comprehending why anyone would want to go out of their way to cause a stir. He likes routines and he likes organization and he likes everything in its exact right place. Both extremely capable and well-educated, Merric puts most of his time and energy into making sure that everything around him is as it should be; that the chaotic machine known as life is running smoothly and without any hiccups. He has a curiosity for knowledge and a talent for anticipating the needs of whoever he's helping, which makes him very good at his job. Rules and guidelines are, to Merric, the foundation of a life he can control; and while he can be uncertain and flustered, he's not a pushover; Merric has spent many long years fighting to be recognized as having made something of his life, in spite of what his parents think, and he voices his opinion relatively openly when needs be, especially if his morals and/or ethics are in question, something he takes very seriously. Merric has never let himself be anything less than perfect, and the stress and the pressure of continually maintaining this obsessive desire of his to never fail will inevitably cause him to break if he doesn't learn how to let go.

Backstory: The oldest child in a small family of two, Merric's intelligence was noticed at a young age by a teacher who thought he was attending school beneath his own grade level. His parents were willing to push him forward to more challenging classes - at least until his younger brother was born, when Merric was ten. An eager, rambunctious child, Merric's parents gave their youngest child everything he wanted without the expectation of success, leaving Merric to try and remind them that he still existed, too. He was never good enough in their eyes; no matter how hard he worked, it seemed he could never quite prove himself to them. St. Raymond's has given Merric the chance to focus on himself, rather than the unimpressed eyes of his family.

Last edited by Merric Cassel on Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:45 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 515
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Merric Cassel
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✦ Querent Awakening

Post by Merric Cassel »

📋 Minor Arcana Card:
📋 Elemental Attunement:

  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0

📋 Mark of the Querent:

📋 Arcana Magic:

📋 Stats:
  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 0

📋 HP: 8

Last edited by Merric Cassel on Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:45 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 30
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Merric Cassel
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✦ RP Thread Tracker

Post by Merric Cassel »


completed | in progress
  • 001 Pride in the Park - w/ everyone

Last edited by Merric Cassel on Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:45 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 10
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Merric Cassel
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✦ Art Gallery

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Coming soon to a theater near you.
Last edited by Merric Cassel on Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:45 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 7
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Merric Cassel
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✦ Music Playlist

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Coming soon to a theater near you.
word count: 7
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