[querent] Thorn Murphy

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Thorn Murphy
Character Account
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Shards: 684.46 
Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Power: -1
Finesse: 1
Mind: 2
Arcane: 0
Minor Arcana Card: Nine of Cups



[querent] Thorn Murphy

Post by Thorn Murphy »

Name: Thorn Lee Murphy
Birthday: Dec 12, 1998 (25)
Pronouns/Gender: He/Him
Screenname(s): spinescent98

Physical Description: 5'6", light tan skin with a golden undertone. Dark brown hair kept in a neat mid-ear length cut. Hazel eyes that lean heavily towards green/brown. Soft slightly rounded features, he is fairly plain to look at.
Occupation: Event coordinator and catering staff at Cuisinovation.

Meticulous, intelligent, and quick on his feet (figuratively speaking), Thorn has no problems getting work done. He's an excellent problem solver and enjoys doing advanced crosswords and logic puzzles for fun. He's a little touchy about his height, more so about his non-traditional family should that ever be brought up (as he looks nothing like the man he calls father).

The downside is that he tends to think too much about things he has no control over and gets attached to people far, far too easily. His meticulous nature has also made him fairly rigid in his beliefs and his mind is neither easily swayed nor changed about things.

Thorn's feelings on religion are vague and amorphous - he believes in Something, but what that Something is he couldn't express, so he often tells people he's simply agnostic if it comes up - or an atheist if he's feeling petty.

Backstory: Born Leeyao Peters to an American flight attendant and her one-night stand from Pattaya (Thailand), Thorn doesn't know who his biological father is. His adoptive father is a delightfully stoic slice of humanity that works as a pilot; when Thorn was four Reginald Murphy formally adopted him rather than simply being a step-parent, thus giving him his name.

He grew up traveling a great deal and was homeschooled until high school, where he attended a public facility. His family lives in a small two-story house in the suburbs of St. Raymond and has been there since he started college to be closer to him. A recent graduate with his bachelor's in business administration, he's taken to working with a catering service to gain experience for his chosen career.

As a note, Thorn is actually a nickname he was given to him by his mother because he was a thorn in her side as a colicky, never-sleeping, always sick infant. He had it added in as his government name when he hit 19 because he liked it so much.

  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 8

  • Event Planning - Thanks to his years in the hospitality/service industry, Thorn gets a buff when working on planning events (like weddings, parties, etc) because he's grown very good with reading people's vibes.
Last edited by Thorn Murphy on Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:09 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 454
'And our bodies themselves are always, restlessly, changing: we shall not be, tomorrow, what we were, or what we are.' Ovid, Metamorphoses
Thorn Murphy
Character Account
Character Account
Shards: 684.46 
Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Power: -1
Finesse: 1
Mind: 2
Arcane: 0
Minor Arcana Card: Nine of Cups




Post by Thorn Murphy »

Minor Arcana Card: The Nine of Cups

"Nine of cups. Everything you ever wanted at your fingertips; satisfaction deep to your core. That's a pleasant one, I'm...glad to see it," - the Reader

Elemental Attunement:
  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 1
Mark of the Querent: The palm of Thorn's hand is colored blueberry #75A1D0

Arcana Magic: As the Nine of Cups is about the fulfillment of desires, Thorn's magic follows suit. He is able to look at someone and know what they want at that moment, even if they themselves don't always know what it is.

If he wants to know more than a vague/superficial read on a person then he must either pour or serve that person a drink. Sharing a drink gives him a chance to feel the flow of their heart - the waters of their life, as it were - so being able to do so is germane to the full expression of his power.
Last edited by Thorn Murphy on Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:49 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 165
'And our bodies themselves are always, restlessly, changing: we shall not be, tomorrow, what we were, or what we are.' Ovid, Metamorphoses
Thorn Murphy
Character Account
Character Account
Shards: 684.46 
Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Power: -1
Finesse: 1
Mind: 2
Arcane: 0
Minor Arcana Card: Nine of Cups




Post by Thorn Murphy »

Last edited by Thorn Murphy on Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:18 am, edited 18 times in total. word count: 95
'And our bodies themselves are always, restlessly, changing: we shall not be, tomorrow, what we were, or what we are.' Ovid, Metamorphoses
Thorn Murphy
Character Account
Character Account
Shards: 684.46 
Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Power: -1
Finesse: 1
Mind: 2
Arcane: 0
Minor Arcana Card: Nine of Cups



[Music Box]

Post by Thorn Murphy »

word count: 74
'And our bodies themselves are always, restlessly, changing: we shall not be, tomorrow, what we were, or what we are.' Ovid, Metamorphoses
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