✦ [ querent ] Gale Gentry

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Gale Gentry
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✦ [ querent ] Gale Gentry

Post by Gale Gentry »

Last edited by Gale Gentry on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:16 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 0
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Gale Gentry
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✦ Character Profile

Post by Gale Gentry »

Name: Gale Arthur Gentry
Nicknames: n/a
Birthday: December 2nd, 2000 (22 years old)
Pronouns/Gender: male; he/him

Physical Description: A 5'4" young man with slightly wavy blond hair that goes to his shoulders and amber eyes; he's willowy and slender, but at least somewhat physically capable owing to a great deal of training, although he's nowhere near the sort of muscular, buff bodies of most gym goers. Along with his shorter stature, Gale is also perpetually youthful faced and often gets mistaken for someone much younger, much to his annoyance. He dresses impeccably, usually in perfectly tailored suits, dress shirts and trousers, silk ties, shiny shoes, sweater vests and button downs, all of it an effort to appear older and more in control of himself.

Occupation: A junior investigative journalist with the Almagest university newspaper while in grad school; he's pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice (with hopes to eventually become a private detective).

Personality: Gale is a quiet, straight-laced person who almost always takes everything too seriously. At heart he understands that things are less dire than they appear, but his inability to relax properly and his continued need to always be in control of himself means that he struggles to open up to anyone, keeping himself emotionally distant. His pride does not allow him to show any kind of weakness, and this includes anything emotional. This, along with with a strong sense of morality and a stubborn streak a mile wide has made Gale good hearted and kind, but it can sometimes mean that his thoughts run towards a very black and white way of seeing things. He devours knowledge and has an insatiable need to know everything about everything; intelligence is both his strong suit and his weapon of choice.

Backstory: Originally born and raised in the United Kingdom, in the heart of downtown London, Gale has lived in St. Raymond's for the last four years, leaving behind a twin sister and both of his parents. His need for independence and an uneasy childhood filled with therapists and medication has him living solitary in a small, simply furnished off campus apartment near Almagest. He does, however, share his home with a three year old German Shepherd named Cyrus and a chameleon named Jinhai.

Last edited by Gale Gentry on Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:04 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 384
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Gale Gentry
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Minor Arcana Card: 10 of Swords



✦ Querent Awakening

Post by Gale Gentry »

⚔️ Minor Arcana Card: Ten of Swords
⚔️ Elemental Attunement:

  • Air: 1
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0

⚔️ Mark of the Querent: The palm of Gale's hand is colored a charcoal black.

⚔️ Arcana Magic: Gale uses a single, spectral sword to slice through the air in front of someone. When he does this, the person will temporarily feel as though they have suffered through a painful ending of something - a relationship, a fight, a choice, whatever the case may be depending on the other player; something strong enough to physically stop someone in their tracks with a gut punch of emotion.

⚔️ Expertise: Gale has an innate knack for interpreting other people's body language in the context of physical tells.

⚔️ Fire-Attuned Crystal: Any Querent with at least one point in the element of Fire can charge this crystal with energy. When charged, once per thread the Querent can expel this energy to gain +1 to a roll in the relevant element. If a Querent is using a crystal attuned to an element they are not aligned with, they will gain the ability to cast a cantrip with a +1 in that element! However, they are unable to recharge this crystal and must find an appropriate Querent to do it for them.

⚔️ Air-Attuned Crystal: Any Querent with at least one point in the element of Air can charge this crystal with energy. When charged, once per thread the Querent can expel this energy to gain +1 to a roll in the relevant element. If a Querent is using a crystal attuned to an element they are not aligned with, they will gain the ability to cast a cantrip with a +1 in that element! However, they are unable to recharge this crystal and must find an appropriate Querent to do it for them.

⚔️ Courtly Glamour: Exposure to the Empty City has granted the ability to blend in. While this Querent is not using any magic, they will appear completely mundane, including removal of their card mark. However, the activation of any magic dispels the glamour for the rest of the scene.

⚔️ Barrier Dagger: A small dagger made of metal and wood: when stabbed into the ground it creates a temporary, circular barrier of fast wind around whatever is nearest, be it a person or thing. The size of the barrier depends on what Gale wants to protect, but it can't be bigger than a single person. The barrier lasts as long as the dagger is in the ground.

⚔️ Stats:
  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 0
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 1

⚔️ HP: 7

Last edited by Gale Gentry on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:16 pm, edited 21 times in total. word count: 430
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Gale Gentry
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Minor Arcana Card: 10 of Swords



✦ RP Thread Tracker

Post by Gale Gentry »


completed | in progress
  • 001 Reading - Gale Gentry - w/ Mysterious Safari Man
  • 002 Non Mortem Somni Fratrem - Empty City solo
  • 003 Statement Begins - w/ Suri
  • 004 Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better - w/ Drew
  • 005 Explosions - w/ Lee
  • 006 Enemy of my Enemy - w/ Drew
  • 007 Alms - w/ Jack
  • 008 Scientific Process - Empty City solo
  • 009 Half of a Whole - w/ Hattie
  • 010 [ Meta ] The Amphitheater - w/ everyone
  • 011 [ Meta ] The Forge - w/ everyone
  • 012 [ Meta ] The Heart - w/ everyone
  • 013 Run-Ins - w/ Thorn
  • 014 Breaking Barriers - Empty City solo
  • 015 Artifacts and Artifictions - w/ Juniper
  • 016 Breathless - w/ Suri

Last edited by Gale Gentry on Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:36 am, edited 20 times in total. word count: 102
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Gale Gentry
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Minor Arcana Card: 10 of Swords



✦ Art Gallery

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Last edited by Gale Gentry on Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:16 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 0
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Gale Gentry
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Minor Arcana Card: 10 of Swords



✦ Music Playlist

Post by Gale Gentry »


Coming soon to a theater near you.
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