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Item title
Auxiliary Card
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Item information
- This item can be used ∞ times
- This item has no expiration date
- This item can not be refunded
Item creation time
Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:57 pm
Item description
Through training, this Querent has unlocked an additional facet of their magical understanding. They may unlock an additional minor arcana card and an associated arcana magic in any suit that they already have attunement (so someone with a wands card may purchase another wands power, but may not use an auxiliary card to gain new attunements). A querent may have as many auxiliary cards as they have readings (so one after first reading, two after second) and may claim an additional auxiliary card for each point in Arcane. There is no reading associated with this spell, but just a power gained after a deeper understanding of their magic. On turn-in, provide the card selected and the power for approval.
When you have this token in your account you can post in The Reader: Querent Awakenings and post the approprpiate form to get your new power. PLEASE POST FROM THE CHARACTER ACCOUNT.
When you have this token in your account you can post in The Reader: Querent Awakenings and post the approprpiate form to get your new power. PLEASE POST FROM THE CHARACTER ACCOUNT.
Item images