Rules & Guidelines

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The Reader
The Reader
The Reader
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Posts: 553
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:20 pm

Rules & Guidelines

Post by The Reader »

  • Please be polite and respectful to other members of the Chiaroscuro community.
  • You may only register for one central OOC account.
    Those found making multiple OOC accounts may have accounts locked and any once-per-user grants revoked.
  • All registered users must be 18 or older.
  • Characters, points, or other features granted within the game are never to be traded for money or goods outside of Chiaroscuro.
    Points and in-game currencies may be gifted, or traded for other items within the game or for art or other game-related services.
  • Content in all OOC areas should be PG-13, unless tagged with one of these icons:
    Image - R-Rated (Sexual Content)
    Image - R-Rated (Violent Content)
    Image - Explicit (Sexual Content)
    Image - Explicit (Violent Content)
  • Please be respectful following the announcement of contest results, win or lose.
    We understand it can be difficult to miss out on an opportunity, but it does no good to mope, whine, or complain and makes other players uncomfortable.
  • Hate speech and discriminatory content will not be tolerated in any instance. Don’t do it.
  • Please read all setting and character guides prior to making a character.
    They will help you fit into the world of Chiaroscuro!
  • You may play as many characters as you have completed profiles!
    You may reference background NPCs/family members as needed within character posts without a profile.
    However, you should not be singularly writing any character until their profile is written and approved.
    To get a profile approved, please use the Character Journals Forum.
  • Standard writing format in Chiaroscuro is third-person past tense limited, though this is not a hard and fast requirement.
  • When writing posts in-character, you should avoid writing another player’s character actions or thoughts as canon unless you have permission.
    It is unfun and unfair to other players to godmode or take total control of a thread.
  • If at any time a player requests a contested roll to determine the outcome of a series of events, you must respect and comply or defer to the other player’s judgment.
  • You may only write characters with abilities they have earned and unlocked (outside of special circumstances).
    Players found playing outside of the scope of their character sheet may be penalized.
  • In-character content should be PG-13 with regards to gratuitous violence and explicit sexual content.
    As players, use your best judgment when dealing with potentially sensitive topics, and if there is any question whether a topic skirts this line, tag it in the top of the first post with a content warning.
    Common content warnings include: rape/noncon, substance abuse, self-harm, violence, gaslighting, etc.
word count: 440
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