✦ [ sleeper ] Frederick St. James

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Frederick St James
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✦ [ sleeper ] Frederick St. James

Post by Frederick St James »

Last edited by Frederick St James on Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 7
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Frederick St James
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✦ Character Profile

Post by Frederick St James »

Name: Frederick St. James
Nicknames: Fritz
Birthday: October 10th, 1993 (30 years old)
Pronouns/Gender: male; he/him

Physical Description: tall, slender and built mostly vertically, at 6'2" Fritz could be imposing if he didn't also look like he has the temperament of a passing butterfly. He's willowy, lacking in heavy muscle definition, but his shoulders are a little broader and chest just slightly filled out; evidence that he keeps himself in shape, but doesn't go out of his way to work out intensively. His red hair is to his shoulders and, like many true gingers, he is covered in freckles from head to toe and wears a pair of frameless wire glasses. On a normal basis, Fritz dresses relaxed, but respectable, in khakis or chinos, lots of sweaters and probably several vests as well, all of which make him look warm and inviting rather than nerdy.

Occupation: a painter first and foremost; Fritz has spent his entire life dedicated to oil paints specifically, though he has dabbled in watercolor and acrylic here and there. He has a degree in fine arts and is now a teacher at a local university, beginner's classes.

Personality: kindhearted to the point of being sacrificial, Fritz will always put everyone else before himself. He doesn't see himself as someone who is worthy to have even the most basic of wants, so he instead spends his time trying to do things for every other person he comes across. He's friendly and welcoming, always with a smile, and he's the type of person who will open doors for you, share his umbrella with you, or make sure that you get the last cookie. Beneath this caring, generous facade is the continuous reminder that he will never be good enough no matter how hard he tries, and although historically Fritz has made several attempts at therapy or other methods to quiet that voice, he has yet to find anything that works. He has learned to live with his self-loathing, instead putting on the face of someone who is otherwise completely in control and at ease with himself.

Backstory: originally hailing from Leavesden, England, Fritz moved to St. Raymond after his twin brother settled down with his new husband following a series of tragedies one right after the other. Starting with both of their parents dying in a car accident, Fritz's twin Rhys had a motorcycle crash and a downward spiral that was only eased by the gentle hand of both Fritz and Rhys' future husband. Always the one to ignore his own demons, Fritz took care of Rhys for several years until things finally eased, but just before his brother's impending wedding Fritz's dominant hand was crushed when his brother's motorcycle fell on it during a storm. Fritz has spent the last year trying to regain what abilities he had prior, but there are continual tremors and not nearly as much strength as before, which has made it difficult to hold a paintbrush. Satisfied that his brother would be taken care of and desperate for a new start, Fritz relocated to St. Raymond's after securing a position at one of the universities.

Last edited by Frederick St James on Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:57 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 539
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Frederick St James
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✦ Querent Awakening

Post by Frederick St James »

Minor Arcana Card:
Elemental Attunement:
  • Air: 0
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 0
  • Water: 0

Mark of the Querent:

Arcana Magic:

  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 0
  • Arcane: 2

HP: 8

Last edited by Frederick St James on Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:59 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 30
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Frederick St James
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Nickname: Fritz
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✦ RP Thread Tracker

Post by Frederick St James »

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Frederick St James
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Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:00 pm
Nickname: Fritz
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✦ Art Gallery

Post by Frederick St James »

Coming soon to a theater near you.
word count: 7
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Frederick St James
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Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:00 pm
Nickname: Fritz
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✦ Music Playlist

Post by Frederick St James »

Coming soon to a theater near you.
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