[Sleeper] Jedediah Walker

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Jedediah Walker
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Shards: 126.38 
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Joined: Sun May 26, 2024 2:08 pm
Nickname: Jed
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[Sleeper] Jedediah Walker

Post by Jedediah Walker »

word count: 1
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Jedediah Walker
Character Account
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Shards: 126.38 
Posts: 30
Joined: Sun May 26, 2024 2:08 pm
Nickname: Jed
Power: 2
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[Sleeper] Jedediah Walker

Post by Jedediah Walker »

Name: Jedediah Cash Walker
Nicknames: Cash, by his family
Birthday: September 4th, 1988 [36]
Pronouns/Gender: He/Him

Physical Description: Jed is a tall man with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He's got pale skin, vibrant blue eyes, and long, sandy brown hair that's buzzed along the sides and back in a undercut. There's a thin scar through his left brow, and his chin is square and often sporting a five o'clock shadow. He's got gauged ears, and multiple piercings, and wears glasses when he's working.

He's sort of jeans and tee shirts sort of guy, but he also fancies flannels and henleys as well. At work his style is very simplistic, but outside of work he likes to accessorize a bit.
Occupation: Auto mechanic

(+) Boisterous
(+) Confident
(+) Loyal
(+/-) Fearless
(+/-) Protective
(-) Obtuse
(-) Stubborn
(-) Mercurial


Jed grew up in a small farming community outside Wichita. His family owned a large plot of land that they cycled crops on, raised a small handful of live stock, and housed a moderate flock of chickens and ducks. He is, or rather was, an all-American farm boy.

As a child he attended Sunday school and 4H, and when he was about eight his father started letting him help out with tractor repair. At fifteen he started rebuilding old car and motorcycle engines. At seventeen he bought and restored an old rusted out Honda Bomber, and the following summer he and his bike moved up to St. Rays. Shortly after arrival he secured a job at a garage, and has been fixing cars and bikes ever since.

Over the years he saved up and put his earnings towards buying and restoring his own garage space with an apartment over, and filling it with equipment and tools, until he was finally able to go into business for himself fixing cars and bikes.

Stats: (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)
  • Power: 2
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: -1
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 11
word count: 338
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