[Sleeper] Austin Elswood

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Austin Elswood
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[Sleeper] Austin Elswood

Post by Austin Elswood »

Name: Austin Elswood
Birthday: Nov 3, 1992
Pronouns/Gender: he/him

Physical Description:

Austin's slim and a bit taller than average at 5'10' with sandy hair pulled into a curly ponytail at the base of his neck. His eyes, behind a pair of thin wire frames, are faded green and usually amused; his skin is fair, freckling in sun unless he's careful; his mouth is just a little too full, in a way that appeals to most people.He dresses like a professor, but a professor out of a TV show or a movie, with the budget to back himself up.

Occupation: Neuropsych PhD student with a focus on TBIs and memory loss.


He's hot and cold, thick with mockery and sarcasm, likely to talk down even when he's not the expert in the room. He's entitled and nosy, bossy and controlling, with a healthy dose of narcissim that might be part of a personality disorder. He's intensely focused, when he cares, and completely indifferent when he doesn't. He's learned, through the years, when to shut his mouth and just do the work.


Austin was the rich son of rich parents who grew up constantly being told that he was the best at anything -- and, otherwise, pretty much completely ignored. His group of friends in prep school were smart and brutal, favorites of the teachers and often feared by other students. They were charming assholes, and none of them really grew out of it. Access to money (and an unlimited access in Austin's case) meant that he had opportunities to travel abroad and in the provinces both through high school and into college. It also meant that he slacked off his junior year and was held back due to truancy; everything out in the city was much more interesting. He entered college, on a prelaw track majoring in philosophy, living in an expensive apartment that his parents paid for with expensive toys his parents paid for, putting in just enough effort to stay on in school and active on the soccer team which was the only thing he really cared about -- and promptly his world fell apart.

During his sophomore year, Austin had an accident during a game which put him in the hospital. A combination of a TBI and irreperable damage to his left leg meant that he was in and out of doctors offices and surgeries for the better part of the next year. Even with excellent treatment, he wasn't put back to the vital young twenty he should have been. Instead, there were gaps in his memory, holes and confusion, things that had to be relearned through therapy. And, of course, he was left disabled; only able to walk with the healthy use of a cane, and even that sometimes too much.

He was bitter, difficult; he lived as a creature in his parents' home for several years, under their watchful eyes. And then, slowly, it was like waking up out of a fog: coming to realize that some of this treatments, therapies, were helping to improve things for him on a daily basis, and that his doctors weren't full of shit. Seeing how their work impacted him woke up an actual interest, more than the lazy stirrings, to learn more about it. And finally, at twenty-five, he went back to school, pursuing study in the field of neuropsychology.

It didn't fix his personality problems, of course, it just gave him direction. Suddenly, he had enough drive to take himself in check, to work on a project that interested him, and it stole away the lazy petulance and refusal to obey the rules. Now, at thirty-two, through a bachelor and a masters and well into his PhD, Austin has learned to play by the letter of the rules to do what he wants. His attitude is still often smug and condescending, thinking of himself as smarter and better than other people -- nothing could break him of that -- but following other peoples' instructions can be treated as enough of a game that it doesn't grate.

Stats: (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)
  • Power: 2
  • Finesse: -1
  • Mind: 1
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 9
word count: 718
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