Character Sheets & Creation

Each character must have a profile in this section before they will be approved for RP.
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The Reader
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Character Sheets & Creation

Post by The Reader »

This thread is your resource for when it comes time to create your character! It contains both the Character Sheet you'll have to post to give us a little information about your character, as well as tools for helping you in your creation. We do not restrict your ability to create any type of character that you'd like, so long as it's within reason. If you'd like to create a famous actor or a local celebrity, you're as welcome to do that as you are to create a down on their luck ex-con or small shop owner. We will not force you to make your character flawed or less than perfect, but we do strongly suggest that you do so. Keep in mind that characters without flaws tend to be unlikeable in play; the more balanced and interesting your character is the more likely you are to get fun and exciting interactions with them!

The only things you can't create are those that violate the setting. Chiaroscuro is a world that begins without any kind of magic, super powers, or meddling gods. Upon creation, characters should be made as fully human, with no special powers or superhuman abilities. They also cannot control entire sections of the city without plotting and mod approval.
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Character Sheet

Post by The Reader »

When creating your character, you can fill out as much or as little information in each field of this sheet as you feel is appropriate. However, you must put something in every field, even if it's relatively minor. It's up to you how much of your character's story you want to share, but we do recommend you provide enough to make them an interesting prospect for plots and interactions.

After creating your character, make sure to post in the Character Approval Thread so that we can make your account a Character Account and you can get to playing!

Delete anything in (), as it's only there for information and inspiration.
Nicknames: (omit if they have none)
Birthday: (please include at least approxmiate age or year)

Physical Description: (Hair color/style, skin color and ethnicity, eye color, height and build, clothing style, and other interesting details.)
Occupation: (What do they do for a living?)
Personality: (Merits and flaws, hobbies, talents)

Backstory: (Who are they, and where do they come from? Provide as much or little info as you desire.)

Stats: (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)
  • Power: (Strength, physicality, forcefulness, intimidation.)
  • Finesse: (Speed, dexterity, reaction time, persuasion.)
  • Mind: (Intellect, learning, wit, improvisation.)
  • Arcane: (Magic, lore, attunement, spirit.)
HP: (Base of 8, +/- Power and Finesse)

Code: Select all

[b]Nicknames:[/b] (omit if they have none)
[b]Pronouns/Gender: [/b]

[b]Physical Description: [/b] (Hair color/style, skin color and ethnicity, eye color, height and build, clothing style, and other interesting details.)
[b]Occupation:[/b] (What do they do for a living?)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Merits and flaws, hobbies, talents)

[b]Backstory:[/b] (Who are they, and where do they come from? Provide as much or little info as you desire.)

[b]Stats:[/b] (One each of 2 / 1 / 0 / -1, placed as appropriate for character.)

[list][*][b]Power[/b]: (Strength, physicality, forcefulness, intimidation.)
[*][b]Finesse[/b]: (Speed, dexterity, reaction time, persuasion.)
[*][b]Mind[/b]: (Intellect, learning, wit, improvisation.)
[*][b]Arcane[/b]: (Magic, lore, attunement, spirit.)

[b]HP[/b]: (Base of 8, +/- Power and Finesse)
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Character Creation Suggestions

Post by The Reader »

Our requirements for accepting applications are very low here, but we do have a spot of advice for new players to consider when building a character, in order to make sure they can get lots of fun RP!

High Concept

Coming up with a concept for the archetype your character fills can be very helpful in figuring out more about them. Try to think of a simple phrase that defines what makes them who they are.

Merits and Flaws

By no means are you required to make a flawed character, but having flaws can help make characters likeable and interesting, and also give them room to grow and change through RP.

Conflicting, Opposing or Changing Personalities

Personalities are a flexible thing, and everyone understand that -- but there are certain elements of personality that remain stagnant outside of major life events, and others that shift and change by the moment. When thinking about your character's personality, define the things about them that are inflexible, not the ones that are fluid.

Goals and Desires

Figuring out what your character wants out of life is a great way to figure out what you're going to do with them. If they want to be rich or famous, knowing this allows you to seek out stories that help them pursue this. If they want to be loved, you can look for those plots. Any goal is good.
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