FORMS Please post the NPC Request with the character you intend to play. For NPC Requests: (Remember--you can request ONE NPC interaction per month and must not have any unfinished NPC interactions prior to requesting a new one!) [b][size=150]LET'S MEET UP[/size][/b] [b]NPC Requested:[/b] [b]Locati...
With the introduction of Erem and its survivors, querents are now able to interact with various NPCs native to Erem and beyond! These threads are available as a means to facilitate training, gaining knowledge, and developing PC plotlines, and some may even be special missions with unique perks! In o... If Querents have Attuned Crystals aligned to t...
Part of the fun of roleplaying is being able to collaborate with your friends to make big stories, small and big. You already have your characters, but we'd like to invite you to also take part in building the setting of St. Raymond itself! The St. Raymond Player-Submitted Setting Registry is now op...
University District WARDEN PRESS & PRINTING By: AMItotic Business, Printing Press Between the universities and the more touristy commercial districts sits a building that might have once been a pharmacy, now home to Warden Press & Printing, a local institution for all things poster, flyer a...
Emeri Park The Mirth Factory By: sad_pisces_energy comedy club, improv comedy, theater, comedy school A small black box theater on the edge of the park. Known for producing several B-list comedians from it's improv comedy course, it is also a place to see a cheap show in St. Raymond. Several troupe...
Rules for Player Submitted Locations There are a few rules and caveats you should understand prior to submitting your player-submitted locations: Player-submitted locations should be public spaces or private spaces that have at least some public access. An apartment complex would be a great option ...
St. Raymond is and always has been the capital city of the United States, on the coast of New England just south of Massachusetts. It experiences mild summers and snowy winters, and takes up generally the space that another world may have chosen to call ‘Rhode Island’. The city itself is a crowded ...
As the number of Querents has increased, it is now possible for Querents to meet each other in the Empty City. Players may have their characters meet with each other or remain in isolation at their discretion, but think of this as a way to make friends before the floodgates open! If you need ideas f...